Is it Worth Buying the MSI BM500 Bluetooth Mouse

Let’s start with the pros:

  • Good resolution (has a 1200 dpi mode).
  • Good range (good reception even at about 6 meters).
  • Has a USB cable as secondary power in case the battery drains.
  • Doesn’t use a USB port since its bluetooth.
  • Can be charged without docking.

  • Short battery life (a week at the most).
  • Annoying sleep mode. If unused for more than 5 minutes goes to a “deep” sleep mode that takes about 3 seconds to wake.
  • Best way to wake the mouse fast is to use the scroll button and not shaking it.

Verdict, the cons are a definite bummer. Not unless you only have 1 USB port and your laptop has bluetooth then this mouse isn’t really worth buying. If you really need one though you can find the MSI BM500 bluetooth mouse at ^_^ UPDATE: January 5, 2010 I just installed Windows 7 Ultimate on my ASUS F8SG and I’ve seen a lot of improvement in the way the MSI BM500 bluetooth mouse behaves. Since the bluetooth manager no longer reboots in Windows 7 ultimate I no longer experience the lags I usually do in Windows XP. The OS really made a difference! So if you are using Windows 7 and you really need that “extra” USB port go ahead and get this mouse. Hope this helps ^_^ ]]>